Workforce Development

Photo by Los Muertos Crew on Pexels

The primary function of workforce development within an organization or across a community is to equip the workforce with the skills and capabilities needed for the future. A vital part of the IGND is addressing the new job needs created by the transition to new energy sources.


The City satisfied its sub-goal of launching the Cornell Cooperative Extension Energy (CCE) Warriors Green Workforce Training (Roots of Success) workforce preparation and green energy education program. The second sub-goal of Establishing a Green Jobs Corridor has passed the due date without funding being secured or plans established. The corridor has been geographically defined and a coalition of workforce development organizations from within the corridor has been established. CCE is partnering with Cornell to complete workforce modeling projects. Regional clean energy summits and job fairs have been taking place across the state, including the Greater Binghamton Clean Energy Summit in September. 

Green Jobs Corridor

In Progress

The City plans to create a Green Jobs Corridor (GJC) across Ithaca, Binghamton, Elmira, Syracuse and Rochester. A regional taskforce has convened to attract a broad applicant pool focused on people from traditionally marginalized communities to fill high-quality jobs. Taskforce members will collaborate to secure funding and broaden partnerships across the state.

What criteria are we using to measure progress?
  • By September 2022: The GJC Taskforce will create and publish regional workforce plans. 
  • Ongoing: GJC Taskforce members will collaborate to secure funding and broaden partnerships across the state.
  • Ongoing: GJC Taskforce will access underserved populations and create the pipeline to meet the need for 400 positions.

Roots of Success Program


Roots of Success (ROS) is a workforce preparation and environmental/green energy education program. This City has identified ROS as an integral element of its comprehensive workforce strategy.

What criteria are we using to measure progress?
  • By June 2023: The City will implement the Roots of Success program as part of a comprehensive training program that that prepares youth and adults for 100+ distinct green energy jobs and career pathways,.